Friday, 7 August 2015

Winter's Chill

I was up early, not from choice really, but because my dear husband went fishing, 
leaving home at 4 am.  So inevitably I too was awake!  
Breakfast, stoke the fire, shower, make the bed, check emails...still only 5.30am.
 Peek outside and it's cold.
A few weeks ago it was really cold around the south and east of Australia,
 but life got in the way of me getting in the car
 and driving an hour or so inland and uphill to the snow.
 So today I decided to go and check out the frost instead. 
I've got way too many photos here, but I'm not very good at culling!

And then on the way home you can see that time has passed
 and the frost has melted to a sunny day.

Smoke from winter burning off fills the horizon and melds the mountains seamlessly.  

It also helps to produce irresistibly colourful sunsets!

We were both home too late to enjoy the fruits of the day out on the water, 
but don't worry, fish was on the menu the next night!   
I know I should go too, but when you work together sometimes it's nice to do your own thing.

Do you go in different directions or enjoy similar hobbies?  Just wondering! 

Bye for now 


  1. Oh Jane, this is a beautiful series of winter photos. I love each one. I too enjoy some alone/separate time when it's on offer....

    1. Yes, it's not always possible I know Karen, specially when you have family at home. You have to grab any available moment! Thank you so much for your nice words.

  2. Brrr looks so cold!! Though the first pic is my fav:)

    1. There's something about a good sunrise or sunset that's hard to go past isn't there Erin? Keep warm where you are too!

  3. Wonderful pictures of the Australian scenery. I love frosty mornings and of course beautiful sunsets. I understand you had to get up a bit too early, but the early mornings when the sun is going up are always most beautiful.
    I love doing a lot with my husband, but also likes to go out on my own. For instance, F. is still working and out for the day, but now it is holiday time and he is home. In the early morning he wants to accompany me on my walks with Snarf. I almost feel guilty to say but I love to go on my own, only with Snarf.
    Wish you a lovely weekend!

    1. Glad you enjoyed our Aussie winter, not really very cold where we are but at least we get a taste. No need to feel guilty Janneke, I feel the same way. When I go out for a walk I far prefer to do it on my own, like you with Snarf and me with Cobba!

  4. Such wonderful images, I can almost feel the chill! There is so much beauty in the winter that I like to capture too. The light and the sunrises and sunsets seem so much sharper too. Hope you enjoyed the fish! Sarah x

    1. Thank you Sarah, we did enjoy the fish! I know, every season has something special to offer, and I must say I'm now looking forward to Spring. x

  5. Frost is not something I associate with Australia but you have captured it beautifully. Your surroundings are magnificent I can see why you find it hard to cull photographs. Glad the fishing trip was successful hope you enjoyed the catch.

    1. This year we have had some of the coldest conditions for south and eastern Australia in many years Elaine. But don't forget, the Snowy Mountains are just that,snowy, and there are ski resorts etc! A big country of extremes. And yes thank you, we did enjoy the fish and have some in the freezer for when the family come to visit.

  6. Glad you got up early Jane, beautiful images. I to do my own thing, only myself to please then, enjoy my own space

    1. Thank you, and yes, I agree with you, it is so much simpler on your own than trying to accommodate myriad wishes!

  7. Worth getting up early to catch the frosty landscape in beautiful photos.

    1. Yes, I think you're right about getting up early, you really do catch some wonderful sights Anne.

  8. There is nothing like a frosty morning to get the camera snapping. Even though it very cold in the mountains we rarely see frost in our garden because it has so many trees so I usually have to wait until we out wayfaring to get frost photos. Hubby and I both work from home. During the day we go off to our separate offices but generally spend our breaks and free time together. He pops up the road to catch up with mates during the day but I don't.

    1. Sounds like you have got things worked out pretty well between you Joan Elizabeth. Interesting about the lack of frost under your warm blanket of trees.

  9. Jane, your photos are wonderful. Thanks for a day with Jane, from sunrise to sunset :)
    We basically have two modes . . . we enjoy working together on woodworking and home repairs, but I enjoy gardening and of course my stitching and have to steal away hours to do that alone. Steve loves watching TV, so if I go out to the garden or art barn, he doesn't know I'm gone until he starts getting hungry, LOL.

    1. Glad you could join me for the day Connie! Sounds like a good balance you two have got going on there, and don't forget I know that Steve is a pretty mean bbq chef so don't worry to leaving your garden or art barn because he won't go hungry! xx

  10. I am glad you didn't cut any out Jane, each photo is a real treat. we are both retired and love our time together but no matter how much you love each other, in my humble opinion it is a good thing to have time for ones own space. Gregg enjoys watching sport, I glaze over :)

    1. Oh I definitely know what you mean about sport Denise! A good time to go off and do what you want to :)

  11. These gorgeous photos really cheered me up, Jane.
    It is so hot here, it's nice to see cooler temperatures at play :-)

    1. Of course, it's funny to think of you roasting while we're freezing Amalia, so glad you enjoyed them.xx

  12. Jane my husband and I do share some activities...he is not a hobby person and he is a go- along kind of guy so he helps in the garden and goes on walks....your winter scenes will be here soon enough but what stunning vistas. I hope to get out more and beyond my own garden this fall and winter to take in the beauty around us.

    1. It's nice that you and your husband share the things you enjoy Donna. I look forward to seeing more of your winter surroundings when the time comes, but for now, enjoy your summer.

  13. I can tell I'm going to be a regular here with all of your gorgeous photography! Once again it's strange to see your frosty world while ours is just beginning to cool down from a long hot summer. My husband and I use to enjoy many things together but since he's been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis we don't do so any hikes or bike rides anymore but we still like to listen to and play music. I've tried not to let his disability affect my love of walking and riding and he's really good about it as well. Sometimes you just have to do things to keep you sane.

    1. Oh yes, I can imagine Kerry. It's good that you are both happy with the arrangement that you now have and you can still enjoy walking etc, but equally you can share your love of music together.


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