Saturday, 15 August 2015

Moments of Calm

Well what a chaotic week it's been ~ one thing after another!
 But I'm not going to focus on that ~ what's the point? 
 Instead I'll show you (and me!) the good bits, the pieces of calm in between.
You'll notice we've had more frosty mornings
 and the land owner across the river has been burning off
 so the smoke has made for some interesting views.  

I noticed this 'still life' while I was weeding around a rose bush.

These leaves were floating on the water trough when I went to feed the chooks.
They look as though they are surrounded by a starry night sky!

These seed cases are from our local  Blackwood tree, an Acacia. I love the curls and squiggles!

Well it's done me good to see the bits of beauty 
that I would otherwise have forgotten amidst the chaos.
I hope you've had a week where you've noticed something special
even if it's been just in passing.  I'd love to hear about it!

bye for now


  1. And it's done me good to see these beautiful photos. Thank you Jane :)

  2. Life can be quite chaotic, so good we can nevertheless enjoy the simple beauty of our surroundings.
    Your photos are as wonderful as always.

    1. It's so true Janneke, like your beautiful garden, nature helps to keep us in balance.

  3. You have a gift for finding the calm in the chaotic and beauty where others would not look . . ."the water trough" . . . I love that photo:)
    Thank you for sharing this gift with us . . . it's a true reminder to stop and smell the roses along life's journey.

    1. Yes indeed Connie, we all need to take the time to stop and smell the roses. It's what keeps us going.
      Thank you so much for your lovely words :)

  4. Hello Jane,
    There is always beauty in the world, in spite of daily circumstances. You have proven this by these incredible images. It is the Mackerel Festival here this weekend and a friend just presented us with fresh mackerel for supper. Delicious.
    Hope you have a special week
    Helen xx

    1. Well I do so hope that you enjoyed your delicious fresh mackerel for supper Helen. What a treat to be presented with! A Mackerel Festival...well how about that! Sounds fascinating.

  5. You certainly have an eye for finding the beauty and the calm in everyday life - this is a wonderful gift to both yourself and others Jane.

    1. I think that having this space has been very helpful for me Karen, and if it is enjoyed by others then that gives me real pleasure.

  6. Beautiful as always, you capture nature at its best

    1. Thank you for your kind words and I think that nature is indeed captivating.

  7. I like what you have shared Jane. Lovely photos!

  8. Ich war schon oft hier auf deinem Blog ohne zu kommentieren.
    Immer wieder bin ich von der herrlichen Landschaft begeistert.
    Alles ist so weit und wirkt unberührt. Hier ist alles etwas kleiner und enger.
    Ich genieße deine Bilder sehr.
    Gruß, Anette

    1. Hello Anette, how lovely to meet you, and thank you so much for your nice words. Australia certainly is a big country, and I look forward to learning more about where you live. Kind wishes, Jane

  9. Beautiful calm pictures - glad you found something out of the chaos.

  10. Wow. I think I should come here more often.

    1. Zsuzsa, how wonderful to see you again! I will be heading over to your blog to see if you are back with your delicious recipes again. Thanks so much for dropping by.

  11. I like the still life and leaves in the water trough best, simple serendipity creating beauty.

    1. I know what you mean Joan Elizabeth, these are the things you don't plan for or go out on a walk expecting to just happen across them.

  12. Such lovely images. Very hard to say which I like the best. What good use you made of your camera after your chaotic week. It's why we take photographs, after all...

    1. Yes indeed Sophia. Noticing with our camera takes us out of ourselves and what 's going on doesn't it?

  13. There's so much beauty and peace in your images. These will remain in your heart (and our hearts) for long, much longer than the chaos of the week probably.

    1. Oh yes, I do hope so Amélie...that is certainly what I would like.

  14. Those are such beautiful moments of calm! Sarah x


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