Saturday, 6 June 2015


Winter is here. Mornings are colder, evenings come earlier. 
 By the time I've finished the outside chores my fingers are feeling like icicles.  
Let's race inside and get the fire going.  Hold on.... just take a look at that sunset!  

The ducks on the dam are swimming in swirling circles,
 the ripples overlaid with gold leaf.

'Eternally Grateful'.
  This heading caught my eye as I crumpled up the newspaper to start the fire.
 I stopped for a moment to read on.....

A young mother was thanking a man for saving her son's life.  An ordinary day turned out to be quite the opposite. Her toddler was choking on some food and unable to dislodge it she ran out onto the street screaming for someone to help her.   Other cars had driven past but he had stopped and he saved the little boy's life. It seems these people live on the same street and are now good friends.  A heart warming story with profound and far-reaching consequences.

'Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness 

Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.'

Scott Adams

The kettle's boiling. Time for a cup of tea.
Pull up a chair by the fire and we can toast our toes together.
 Do you take sugar?


  1. Jane, this post is wonderful. I loved the story, and your photos . . . well, you certainly have an eye for the camera and a great knowledge of sweet light. Absolutely beautiful. I think it would be delightful to be able to pull up a chair by the fire and toast my toes with you.

    1. I agree that would be lovely Connie! And thank you for your kind words which are always so encouraging.

  2. Beautiful photos and story Jane. I love that quote too.

    1. Thank you Karen. Yes, it's a great quote isn't it, and so true. Even the smallest gesture of kindness can have a big impact.

  3. Oh Jane such a beautiful post! I do so love your photos.

    1. Well thank you Lynda. That means a lot to me, coming from someone who takes such great photos!

  4. I love that beautiful sunset! Your photos are great and your writings too. When I read it I feel the atmosphere, the beauty and the cold of the evening. So nice to have a cup of tea in front of the fire.

    1. Yes that cup of tea by the fire was good Janneke! I'm so glad you enjoyed the view too.

  5. Glove your photos. The ripple affect,should be taught to school children. What you do and say has far reaching affects, squeeze a paint tube, really hard to get the paint back in the tube, same as what you say, once said can't put it back in your mouth

    1. Oh yes indeed! I really like the analogy of the paint tube too. I haven't heard that one but it says it all doesn't it? Thank you so much for your insights.

  6. We are on the cusp of summer, caught in the damp, cool, coastal fog until late July. Enjoying your scrumptious photos with a mug of steaming hot tea is a wonderful way to begin my day.

    1. I'm so glad you too are enjoying a warming cuppa Deb. You are in coastal fog and today we had a fog of sorts, mist really rising from the valley below at sunrise and bringing many photo opportunities. I've got the book East of Eden out of the library like I said and have started reading it. Now I can imagine the area you are in, so beautifully described by John Steinbeck.

  7. I love those cold, crisp mornings and evenings! That rolling cloud is so beautiful - and what amazing colours!

    1. We've been having a run of colourful sunsets recently Anna, I think it's a winter thing. I enjoy winter too, though it's not what I'd call 'real' winter where we are or you too!

  8. Jane those pictures are beautiful - almost unreal. Even though it is meant to be warm here in June the wind is still cold and we are still lighting fires - a bit more warmth and sun would be nice.

    1. Oh dear Elaine, I'm sorry to here that ~ my daughter and family are visiting over there at the moment and she said she'd forgotten how cold summer can be! Hope you get some summer warmth shining through soon.

  9. The gold of the water and the gold in the sky look stunning in your pictures. I went back to some of your back posts and kept admiring your landscape. We thought a while back that we would go to Australia – I even bought a travel book to decide where we would go – I liked the idea of Tasmania but then my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer, so I am not sure if we’ll take long trips anymore. Looking at your photos is a lovely alternative.

    1. It's wonderful to be able to travel to other lands through blogs isn't it?, Equally I can follow along where you take me, too. Tasmania is certainly beautiful, we went many years ago. The world is full of amazing places!

  10. What a nice, welcoming post, Jane! And gorgeous photos.

    1. Thank you so much Amalia, you're more than welcome!


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