Monday 19 March 2012

Interview on ABC local Radio!

Well what a nerve racking and exciting time I have been having today!!  An interview about my Potato Jewellery with Katya Quigley just now on ABC Mid North Coast local radio .  I have been fretting about it all weekend, and then in the end it came and went so quickly and I am now thinking about all the things I didn't manage to say.
I blurted out about Made In Dorrigo Street Markets at the very end.  And I feel bad because the organisers are the reason that I was on the radio in the first place.  Anyway, take a look at my previous post about them, on 13th March  and also hop on to their face book page to see what's going on.  It is going to be a great market, and the shopkeepers are having specials as well.
So look forward to seeing you there!
Also the madeit people where I sell my jewellery online have been good about contacting me about enquiries from the ABC people, so I would like to thank them too, and suggest you follow my made it buttons at the top right of my blog.
Well , that just about does it!  Time to catch up on what I should be doing and coming down to earth........
Earth Apple Jewellery perhaps!!

Here is a link toKatya's blog where there is an audio of my interview:
I heart spuds - ABC New South Wales - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)


  1. Jane, I am so excited about your radio interview . . . how wonderful. You must be over the moon with excitement. Your very proud follower, Connie ( I’m so happy for you!)

  2. Hi Connie, How lovely of you to take the time to read my radio ramblings!! I've gone flop this evening mainly with relief, and also with a little regret. But that's about how things go isn't it. Nothing is perfect, nothing is just the way you hope. Your equally proud follower! Jane


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I really do appreciate it.